Janja Prokić was born in Belgrade, Serbia. She has been living in Prague since the age of nine. She had attended the Academy of Fine Arts, the studio lead by the painter Vladimír Skrepl. Then she studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, in the studio of the sculptor Kurt Gebauer. She graduated in the Concept, Object, Meaning studio of Eva Eisler. She has been focusing on jewellery since 2011, when she was nominated for the Czech Grand Design Award for the first time with her collection LURE. A number of nominations followed. They climaxed three years later by Janja Prokić receiving the title ‘Jewellery Designer of 2014’ with her collection Hidden Place.

For Janja, jewellery is never a matter of the visual only. There must be a deeper meaning. All collections somehow draw on her private life. She calls them her diaries. She finds inspiration for her work in studying shamanism, symbolism and white magic, but also in her childhood, dreams and fairy tales. Nevertheless, nature is her greatest muse. Every collection is unique and devoted to different motives. The designer also creates bespoke jewellery. She has displayed her works in exhibitions around the world, from Prague to Florence or New York. She opened her own studio in 2017 in Prague.

In August 2022 Janja opens her first store in Kampa, Prague. At the address U lužického seminary 11, you will find not only a jewelry store, but also a lounge for a private visit or an art gallery, where will be exhibitions of artists whose work is close to Janja.


2011 - 2013 Academy of Arts Architecture & Design, Prague / K.O.V. studio of Eva Eisler
2010 - 2011 Academy of Arts Architecture & Design, Prague / sculpture studio of Kurt Gebauer
2006 - 2010 Academy of Fine Arts, Prague / painting studio of Vladimír Skrepl
2001 - 2005 College and High Art School of Václav Hollar, Prague / ceramics and porcelain
1998 - 2001 Mensa Gymnasium


2022 Czech Grand Design 2021 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Nomination
2021 Czech Grand Design Awards 2020 Jewelry Designer of the Year / nominace
2020 Designblok '20 Best Jewelry Collection / Nomination
2020 Czech Grand Design Awards 2019 Jewelry Designer of the Year / nominace
2019 Designblok '19 Best Jewelry Collection / Nomination
2019 Czech Grand Design Awards 2018 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Winner
2018 Designblok '18 Best Jewelry Collection / Nomination
2017 Czech Grand Design Awards 2016 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Nomination
2016 Czech Grand Design Awards 2015 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Nomination
2015 Czech Grand Design Awards 2014 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Winner
2014 Designblok '14 Best Jewelry Collection / Nomination
2014 Czech Grand Design Awards 2013 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Finalist, 3rd Place
2013 Designblok '13 Best Jewelry Collection and Presentation / Nomination
2013 Designblok '13 Best Jewelry Collection / Winner
2013 Czech Grand Design 2012 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Finalist, 2nd Place
2012 Designblok '12 Best Jewelry Collection / Nomination
2012 Designblok '12 Talent Card
2012 Czech Grand Design 2011 Jewelry Designer of the Year / Nomination
2011 Designblok '11 Best Jewelry Collection / Nomination


2024 Designblok '24, Prague
2021 Janja Prokić – Object?, Neumannka Gallery, Prachatice
2021 Monika Pascoe Mikyšková, Janja Prokić – Poetry about cells and seeds, East Slovak Gallery, Košice
2021 Designblok '21, Prague
2021 The Czech Joy, Dům radost, exhibition related to Designblok '21, Prague
2020 Moravian Gallery – Design, exhibition related to Designblok '20, Prague
2020 Designblok '20, Prague
2019 Designblok '19, Prague
2019 On the Road, Galerie Manzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
2018 The Flowers, Hauch Gallery, Obecní dvůr, Prague
2018 Designblok '18, Prague
2016 Open Space - Mind Maps: Positions in Contemporary Jewelry, Kulturhuset Stadteatern, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 Abrakadabra, Czech Centres, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 Bratislava Design Week, Bratislava, Slovakia
2016 Designblok '16, Prague
2015 Florence Design Week, Florence, Italy
2015 Once Upon a Time, London Fashion Week, London, Great Britain
2015 DOMUS - poutní místo současného designu, Main exhibition of Plzeň 2015 European Capital of Culture, DEPO2015, Plzeň
2015 Hidden Language of Flowers: Floral Symbolism in Asian Art and Its Reflection in Contemporary Art and Design
2015 Schmuck 2015 + Studio K.O.V., ZIBA Museum, Prague
2015 Czech Grand Design 2015, National Technical Museum, Prague
2015 Designblok '15, Prague
2014 In the Mood, Czech Centre, Munich
2014 Erotica in Art, Fox Gallery, Prague
2014 Designblok '14, Prague
2013 Inner Fox, City Surfer Office, Prague
2013 Czech Grand Design 2013, National Technical Museum, Prague
2013 Designblok Premier Fashion Week, Křehký, Prague
2013 Designblok '13, Prague
2012 Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design 2012, DOX, Prague
2012 LOOT, MAD Museum, New York, USA
2012 ODRAZit PORAZit, City Surfer Office, Prague
2012 Czech Grand Design 2012, National Technical Museum, Prague
2012 Designblok '12, Prague
2011 Exhibitions with the Studio of Sculpture of Kurt Gebauer, Academy of Arts Architecture and Design, Křivoklát + Mladá Boleslav + Prague + Vienna, Austria
2011 Czech Grand Design 2011, National Technical Museum, Prague
2011 Designblok '11, Prague
2010 Best of Klausury, The Chemistry Gallery, Prague

*01. 04. 1984 Belgrade, Serbia
• since 1993 lives in Prague, Czech Republic

Janja Prokić

Janja Prokić